Sparks cards

The question cards provide a great prompt to help groups chat, and listen to different views, about science, faith, philosophy and more…

God and the Big Bang is an organisation which aims to help young people discover, discuss and debate questions of science and faith. In the main, they do this through interactive in-person visits, but they have also created a resource called ‘Sparks’, which are a set of cards designed to fire up discussions.

The cards contain a range of questions without answers – ideal for youth groups, classrooms, or the dinner table. These gently provocative prompts aim to encourage groups to:

  • Ask and explore meaningful questions
  • View an issue from multiple perspectives
  • Discover the overlap between subjects

There are 8 topics covered and, helpfully, each card contains a signal to the facilitator if the topic may touch upon sensitive topics, and also whether an assumption about the existence of God will be needed to help the conversation flow. This does not mean that everyone present needs to believe in God, but that they are at least willing to enter the thought experiment in order to discuss the consequences of that for various topics, entering the mindset of someone who does believe that there is a God.

Click here to learn more about these cards, and to order some for yourself.

Click here for some video clips to help you get started with the cards and to give you tips on how to use them. There are also discussion videos where you can listen to scientists of faith discussing questions raised by the cards – these can help your group expand their discussion and learn from listening to a particular perspective, in this case a Christian perspective presented by different scientists.

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God and the Big Bang
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