Meet the Experts

Explore this page to get to know some scientists, theologians and philosophers who have religious faith and love to use their expertise to explore science-faith questions.

It might have surprised you to find a website about science and faith and how they interact with each other. Or maybe it didn’t. Perhaps you’ve thought that you have to choose between a faith in God and becoming a great scientist. Or perhaps you’ve heard of lots of scientists who have a faith.

In reality, lots of scientists and philosophers throughout history have had a deep, personal faith – and that’s still true today. Many of these people see science as a way of learning about the things they believe God has done and made, and continues to do and make.

Many of them also see their work as a way of honouring and praising God. This can be for a number of reasons. For instance, they might see science as a way to learn more about God through exploring the amazing universe they believe God has created. They might also see working in science as a way of learning how to take good care of the planet and all of the plants, animals and people – something that many people of faith believe God asks of us. And, as well as that, scientists of faith often find that the more they learn through science about the universe, the more amazed they are by it, and the more they feel moved to praise the creator they believe is behind it all.

In this section you can explore the stories of some of these scientists, as well as philosophers and theologians who explore scientific topics – each of whom has a personal religious faith.

The Experts


Althea Wilkinson

Dr Althea Wilkinson is an astronomer and a Christian.

Andrew Davison

The Revd Prof Andrew Davison is a theologian, scientist and Christian.

David Wilkinson

Revd Professor David Wilkinson is an astrophysicist, theologian and a Christian.

Deb Haarsma

Dr Deborah Haarsma is an astronomer and a Christian.

Eric Priest

Professor Eric Priest is a mathematician and a Christian.

Galileo Galilei

Galileo Galilei lived from 1564 to 1642. He was an astronomer, physicist, engineer and a Christian.

Hannah Earnshaw

Dr Hannah Earnshaw is an astronomer and a Christian.

Hannah Pagel

Hannah Pagel is an astronomer, teacher and a Christian.

James Clerk Maxwell

James Clerk Maxwell lived from 1831 – 1879. He was a mathematical physicist and a Christian.

Johannes Kepler

Johannes Kepler lived from 1571 to 1630. He was an astronomer, mathematician and a Christian.

John Polkinghorne

Revd Dr John Polkinghorne lived from 1930 – 2021. He was a theoretical physicist, theologian, and a Christian.

Katherine Johnson

Katherine Johnson lived from 1918 – 2020. She was a mathematician and a Christian.

Rodney Holder

Revd Dr Rodney Holder is an astrophysicist, theologian, priest, and a Christian.

Stephen Freeland

Professor Stephen Freeland is an evolutionary biologist, astrobiologist and a Christian.

Susan Benecchi

Dr Susan Benecchi is a planetary astronomer and a Christian.