God’s Creation Series (Book 3: Rocks & Plants)

The ‘God’s Creation Series’ is written for those interested in Biblical ideas of God as creator, and what science tells us about those processes of creation.

“Let the water under the sky be gathered into one place. Let dry ground appear.” And That’s exactly what happened. God called the dry ground “land.” -Genesis 1:9 (NIrV)

In Rocks & Plants, kids explore the physical world, examining some often overlooked details of planet Earth, and learning about some of the wonders that lie hidden just above and beneath its surface. Exploding volcanoes that birth small islands, plants that save lives, floods that carve out cliffs and caves, the recycling of our atmosphere-and much, much more-are investigated in kid-friendly language and concepts. With the addition of drawings, photos, and fun facts, young scientists can enjoy exploring the authors’ idea that science is uncovering  the awesome power and splendour of God, echoed in Earth’s fossils, stones, and mountains.

This book is part 3 of a series presenting well-illustrated and informative explorations of the natural world within a context which presents God as creator and science as a way of finding out about His creation. The authors present a positive approach to viewing God as creating through the use of natural processes which we can use science to understand and generally follow their stated claim that “these books are about the wonders of God’s creation, not so much about when each event took place”. The books are well-presented and colourful with an engaging mix of photos, cartoons, side-notes and relevant Bible verses.

Other books in the series include “Space & Time”, “Sky & Sea” and “Fish, Bugs & Birds”.

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Michael & Caroline Carroll
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