
Here are some of our favourite resources exploring science-religion interactions or areas of science or religious faith about which we’re often asked. They each explore their topic in a way which either actively links science and religious faith or prepares the way for further questions, and always with a focus on accuracy and respect.

In line with our approach, which has some emphasis on the interactions of science and the Christian faith, several of our featured resources explore ideas from Christianity or ideas present within a Christian context. Others take a broader or different perspective. We have included notes in each description to help you consider which resources might be of help or interest to you.

Resources labelled with a ‘Faraday Kids’ logo have been produced by our team in collaboration with a range of authors, illustrators and publishers.


God’s Cosmic Cookbook

Elizabeth Cole (Author) Patrick Laurent (Illustrator)

With gentle humour and fun illustrations, this book confidently combines ideas from Christian faith and science as God-the-chef helps readers navigate the Big Bang, Goldilocks stars, black holes and the beauty and wonder of life unfolding.


God’s Creation Series (Book 1: Space & Time)

Michael & Caroline Carroll

Scientific concepts are communicated in kid-friendly language as young scientists are introduced to the authors’ idea that science is uncovering the awesome and intricate plan God had in mind when he created the heavens and earth.


God’s Creation Series (Book 2: Sky & Sea)

Michael & Caroline Carroll

Written within the context of a Biblical worldview, this book celebrates science as a way to explore how God creates and, in this case, how air and water work together to make this planet habitable.


God’s Creation Series (Book 3: Rocks & Plants)

Michael & Caroline Carroll

Young scientists learn about some of the wonders that lie hidden just above and beneath the Earth’s surface, as well as the authors’ idea that science is uncovering the works, and power, of the God of the Bible.


God’s Creation Series (Book 4: Fish, Bugs & Birds)

Michael & Caroline Carroll

Written within the context of a Biblical worldview, this book celebrates science as a way to explore God’s creation and, in this case curious kids are introduced to some of the most interesting inhabitants of the sea and sky.


God’s Little Astronomer (God’s Little Explorers)

Tina Cho (Author), Marta Álvarez Miguéns (Illustrator)

The author sends the reader into space to share her idea that every part of the universe display God’s glory, creativity, and, most important, his love for you and me!


Gregor Mendel, the Friar Who Grew Peas

Cheryl Bardoe

“How do mothers and fathers pass down traits to their children?” Discover the curiosity, religious life and work ethic of a friar exploring this question, through peas!


I Love God’s Green Earth

Micheal & Caroline Carroll

Daily devotionals with Bible verses, information, suggested activities and jokes to help kids think about environmental issues from a Christian perspective.


Little Changes

Tiffany Taylor

In this imaginative book, evolutionary biologist Dr. Tiffany Taylor tells an engaging story of fictional friends who are forced to adapt and change in major ways, while teaching about the important mechanisms behind evolutionary change.